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来源: 西非在线  日期:2019-01-18 21:36:11  点击:6196 


发布时间:2019-01-18 21:36:11

Hu Lu: Gourd Culture Transmission as a Lifelong Pursuit 

    据【韩国新华报讯】 记者/ 金相律 报道  2013年9月和10月,习近平总书记出访中亚和东南亚期间,先后提出共建“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的重大倡议,得到国际社会高度关注和积极响应,一个月后,习总书记视察曲阜,就传承弘扬中华优秀传统文化发表重要讲话。在新丝路上弘扬传播中华优秀传统文化,讲好中国故事,传播中国声音,以中华文化发展繁荣助推中华民族伟大复兴,成为文化建设的新使命。

In Qufu, the Oriental Holy City, there is a well-known painter called Hu Lu, founder of contemporary “gourd painting school” and also a scholar famous for his study of gourd culture. Staying true to his aspiration of carrying forward Chinese culture as proposed in the important speeches by President Xi Jinping, Mr. Hu always endeavors to make the Chinese gourd culture known to the world through the Belt and Road, contributing greatly to the spread of Chinese culture. 


In Qufu, the Oriental Holy City, there is a well-known painter called Hu Lu, founder of contemporary “gourd painting school” and also a scholar famous for his study of gourd culture. Staying true to his aspiration of carrying forward Chinese culture as proposed in the important speeches by President Xi Jinping, Mr. Hu always endeavors to make the Chinese gourd culture known to the world through the Belt and Road, contributing greatly to the spread of Chinese culture.


International Exchange: “New Era for Silk Road Station"


At the invitation of Belt and Road Collaborative Innovation Center in Qingdao, Mr. Hu visited the center and attended the 2018 Silk Road Coordination International Exchange Event on January 14th and March 7th in 2018 respectively. Zhang Lu, general secretary of the center, introduced the center and exchanged ideas with Mr. Hu. Later, under the accompaniment of Zhang Lu, Mr. Hu visited the Visa Advisory Service Center affiliated with “Belt and Road Collaborative Innovation Center”, National Economic and Trade Liaison Center of “the Belt and Road”, Conference Center, Integrated Management center, Center of African Affairs, Center of European Affairs, Center of Asian Affairs, Center of American Affairs, etc. As a comprehensive platform for international collaborative innovation serving the Belt and Road, “Belt and Road Collaborative Innovation Center” is known as the “Silk Road Station in the 21st Century”. The center collects high quality resources from countries along “the Belt and Road” and actively explores the mechanism to communicate with them, making it a vital “Incubator” and “Reactor” for the implementation of “the Belt and Road” strategy.


During his visit, Mr. Hu fully exchanged ideas with the center on issues like full implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping, overseas promotion of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and deeper cooperation between “Glamour of the Gourd — Gourd Culture Tour along the Silk Road” and “Belt and Road Collaborative Innovation Center” in international cultural exchange. Mr. Hu said that culture is the soul of a nation, the soft power of a country, and the backbone behind national progress. Gourd culture is the symbol of excellent traditional Chinese culture. We should positively promote the Gourd culture overseas following the Belt and Road Initiative, tell the Chinese gourd story well, and spread “Glamour of the Gourd — Gourd Culture Tour along the Silk Road” to countries and regions in America, Africa and Asia, making the cultural spirit of Chinese gourd better known to the world.



This proposal of Mr. Hu has been appreciated and positively responded by Zhang Lu, Zhao Meiling and other members in “Belt and Road Collaborative Innovation Center”. The two sides reach an agreement on the spread and development of Chinese gourd culture along the Belt and Road, thus starting a great new chapter of gourd culture.


Promotion of Gourd Culture: Revival of Gourd Culture with the Belt and Road



Gourd has long been bonded with the Belt and Road. Silk, porcelain and tea, the main products in foreign trade along the ancient Silk Road, are symbols of the popularization of Chinese civilization. Porcelain was proved by historians to have evolved from pottery made by the Chinese as early as Neolithic Age, and from the shape and function of the early potteries one can see the designers’ inspiration from gourd. Today, the promotion of Chinese gourd culture by Mr. Hu along the 21st Century "New Silk Road" becomes more significant in the context of "Historical Meet of the Two Centenary Goals".





Mr. Hu noted that the natural and elegant outline of gourd makes it a perfect embodiment of harmony, which also conforms to the concepts of “appreciating and pursing harmony”. Gourd culture is an important part of traditional Chinese folk culture and a component of Chinese cultural gene, which has already been deeply discussed by scholars like Ji Xianlin, Liu Yaohan, Wen Yiduo and Wang Shixiang. The Chinese pronunciation of gourd sounds like the Chinese word “fu lu” (happiness and wealth), which symbolizes auspiciousness in Chinese culture. Harmony, happiness, longevity, peace and a big family have always been the good wishes of the Chinese in all ages and the essences of humanistic spirit in traditional Chinese culture.

Gourd, with its Chinese pronunciation similar to “fu lu” (blessing road), becomes rich in symbolism under the Belt and Road Initiative. The purpose of the Belt and Road Initiative is to start a new chapter of win-win cooperation with countries and regions along the Belt and Road and to speed up the construction of a harmonious community of shared future for mankind. Through the Initiative, China, the world's second-largest economy, expresses its willingness to establish economic partnership with all other countries in the world and to bear more responsibility for the development and progress of countries along the Belt and Road. It can be said that the Belt and Road is a “fu lu” (blessing road) for countries along it. In the process of building the community of shared future for mankind, Chinese civilization will be compatible with the civilizations of all other countries in the world through exchanges and mutual learning, which also matches with the gourd spirit of inclusiveness and the gourd ideal cosmology of transcendence.




As a scholar famous for his study of gourd culture, Hu Lu has made in-depth research and thus formed a deep understanding of the significance of gourd in the Chinese culture. Countries along the Belt and Road share the same feeling for this cultural significance of gourd, he said. Ji Xianlin, a prestigious Chinese scholar studying culture, once said, “Gourd culture not only belongs to the Chinese nation, but also belongs to the world.” China and other countries share common interests in gourd planting, creative use of gourd, gourd craft production, and the appreciation of gourd culture. This cultural “universality” of gourd is so precious that it becomes a way to enhance mutual trust, integration and inclusiveness among countries and ethnic groups. For example, Japanese scholar Yuasa Hiroshi wrote, “In terms of the diversity of seeds, seeds of all species of gourd over the world can be found in Africa ..., which proves that gourd is originated in Africa.” Another example is the 17th verse in Canto XXXVII, Book I of the Ramayana, the great Indian epic, which tells a story that a long-shaped gourd gave birth to six thousand babies.” Gold Eagle, the folktale of Mongolia, also shows that gourd is an embodiment of breeding. Afghans in South Asia have the habit of making cosmetic containers and snuff bottles out of gourd in festive occasions. In Israel, Turkey and some Arab countries, gourds are commonly used as smoking sets and decorative handicrafts. Gourd culture also boasts a long history in the United States, Japan, Korea and South America countries.
Mr. Hu pointed out that the natural and elegant shape of gourd makes it a perfect embodiment of harmony and inclusiveness, which also conforms to the idea of openness and inclusiveness advocated by the Belt and Road Initiative. In this sense, gourd culture could be a tie binding the countries along the Belt and Road.


Openness and Inclusiveness: “Glamour of the Gourd” turning out to be a masterpiece
The aim of the Belt and Road is to achieve a shared growth through negotiation and cooperation, to embrace differences in political systems, national habits and fundamental realities of the country with an open approach, and to advocate diversified cultural exchange and mutual learning among civilizations. In this process, it is essential for people to communicate and exchange feelings and emotions. Gourd, with its elegant outline and rich cultural connotation, could undoubtedly become a way to eliminate cultural gap. It is against this background that Hu Lu initiated the huge cultural project of “Glamour of the Gourd — Gourd Culture Tour along the Silk Road".





Mr. Hu pointed out that the gentle character of gourd bestows it a strong power to penetrate into the heart of people and eliminate estrangement. For this reason, adopting gourd culture of the countries along the Belt and Road into the project will lay a good foundation for mutual trust and cooperation among countries along the Belt and Road, and help to push forward the innovative development of traditional Chinese culture.


“Glamour of the Gourd — Gourd Culture Tour along the Silk Road” has a first-class international team with a staff and consultants of over one hundred, including well-known experts and scholars from colleges and universities, scientific research institutions, social organizations, relevant government departments and many other countries and regions. The project mainly covers fields such as culture research, folklore research and art exhibitions around the world. The great devotion of all the consultants and members to this project and the support from the planning and design units, publishing institutions, news media and people of all circles domestic and abroad have promoted the continuous development of gourd culture.


“Glamour of the Gourd — Gourd Culture Tour along the Silk Road” includes two major projects: “Gourd Culture Research Project” and “Gourd Culture Spreading Project”, which complement and support each other, and contribute to the cultural exchange and economic integration along the Belt and Road.


I. Gourd Culture Research Project



(一)《葫芦文化丛书》编纂是“葫芦文化研究工程”的重要内容。《葫芦文化丛书》目前规划设计两辑进行研究编纂。第一辑九卷主要是对中国的葫芦文化进行全面系统研究,并对有关史料、文献、图像等进行了梳理集结,今年由中华书局出版发行;第二辑分别是“历史研究卷” “文学故事研究卷” “民俗研究卷” “产业研究卷” “博物馆研究卷” “齐鲁研究卷”等已开始编纂,从规划设计、体例要求、开本字数、出版机构等同第一辑保持一致,计划在“十三五”末完成书稿。

i. Compilation of The Gourd Culture Series as an important part of the Project .The Gourd Culture Seriesnow has two series. The First Series published by Zhonghua Book Company in 2018 have nine volumes, which mainly include the comprehensive and systematic study of the guard culture in China and the collection and analysis of relevant historical materials, literatures and images. The Second Series mainly comprises “The Volume of History Research”, “The Volume of Literary Stories Research”, “The Volume of Folklore Research”, “The Volume of Industry Research”, “The Volume of Museum Research”, and “The Volume of Research on Shandong Province”. This series will be in accordance with the First Series in the aspects of planning and design, stylistic rules and layout, length of the text, and publishing institutions, and are scheduled to be completed by the end of 2020.



As Mr. Hu observed, the study of gourd culture takes its root in typical Chinese cultures about gourd and the traditional Chinese culture. It helps to show regional features of gourd culture while making itself a long-lasting career. When exploring, analyzing, and studying the cultural feature of gourd, one should display the profound origin of traditional Chinese culture to the fullest. Mr. Hu emphasized that each volume of the two series should balance the geographical and cultural factors to ensure the systematic and comprehensive study of gourd culture. In this way, this work takes the initiative to promote gourd culture along the Belt and Road and endeavors to build a cultural community with unique feature and inclusiveness.


ii. The “Gourd Culture Museum” as an important carrier of the “Gourd Culture Research Project” .The “Gourd Culture Museum” founded by Mr. Hu in 2010 intergrates folklore research, painting and calligraphy, and collection display. It has a total collection of thousands of gourds of nearly one hundred species, more than 100 volumes (pieces) of gourd culture books and audio-visual materials, and gourd artworks from more than 70 countries and regions. Annual visits to the museum reached more than one thousand, making it one of the specialized gourd culture museums in China. Meanwhile, the Museum also works as a teaching practice training base for drama, film and television literature, museology and folklore. Based on this practical training and folklore research base, Mr. Hu has published more than 100 academic research papers and paintings such as the “Brief Analysis of Cultural Meanings of Gourd Folk” and “The Characteristic and Symbolic meaning of Gourds in China” in core academic journals such as Literature and Art StudiesArt ObservationFolklore Studies and Theory Journal, and two monographs entitled Painting Language of Hu Lu and Freehand Drawing of Gourd respectively.





iii. “Gourd Culture Research” as an important pillar of the “Gourd Culture Research Project”.In recent years, Mr. Hu presided over some key projects of social science at provincial and ministerial level, such as “Interpretation of the Flower and Bird Paintings with the Theme of Gourd and Folk Culture of Gourd”, “Research of Gourd Folk and Gourd Culture Industry Development”, and “Gourd Culture Research of Lahu Nationality”, which has won him three awards on social science at provincial and ministerial level.
II. Gourd Culture Spreading Project
i. “Three-dimensional performance of gourd culture” as an important means to promote “Gourd Culture Spreading Project”.Mr. Hu innovated the form of exhibition to include a display of various forms of gourds, aiming to tell Chinese gourd story well so that it can be enjoyed by the world. While strolling through the art gallery, visitors can enjoy gourd flute performances, gourd paintings, gourd stories, the gourd collection, and the gourd show. The exhibition is an art feast for gourd lovers to exchange ideas, and also a colorful stage for cultural communication between China and Western countries as well as among various regions in China. “Glamour of the Gourd --- Gourd Culture along the Silk Road” has entered dozens of countries such as the United States, Russia, Japan, Canada and Belarus. The show caused a sensation in cultural circle of Europe, East Asia, South Asia, West Asia and North Africa, and was warmly welcomed by the Protestant immigrant culture in North America, the Latin American Catholic immigrant culture, the African indigenous culture and other overseas cultures. In China, “Glamour of the Gourd --- Gourd Culture along the Silk Road” has entered more than ten places such as Beijing, Shanghai, Yunnan province, Liaoning province, Henan province, Shandong province, etc., and the gourd culture had a good interaction with the Confucian culture, Muslim culture, Silk Road culture and various regional cultures. In recent years, more than 50 exhibitions have been held, attracting more than 100,000 visitors. Those activities have become a comprehensive performance of displaying gourd culture with rich content and unique feature. The most precious is that through the overseas exhibition activities, Mr. Hu allow the host countries to permanently keep the works and gourd cultural materials displayed to enhance a deeper integration of the world gourd culture.





ii. "Gourd Painting Studio” as the main platform for “Gourd Culture Spreading Project”.In 2007, Mr. Hu managed to set up a three-dimensional system to spread gourd culture, including the Gourd Painting Studio, the “Gourd Painting Studio Website”, the “Gourd Painting Studio WeChat Official Accounts Platform”, and a regularly-published Gourd Painting Studio Papers. Mr. Hu also helped the Gourd Painting Studio to take its root at home and abroad. At present, the Gourd Painting Studio has its branches in the United States, Canada and other countries, as well as the Lancang Lahu Autonomous County of China which is said to be the origin of gourd, Huludao (birthplace of Chinese gourd culture), Liaocheng (birthplace of Chinese gourd carving culture and art), Qufu (birthplace of Confucius), Zoucheng (Birthplace of Mencius) and the Yimeng mountain area. Those places have become bases to experience and promote gourd culture, and “Gourd Painting Studio” has become an important brand for the spread of gourd culture at home and abroad.






iii. “Diversified means of spreading gourd culture” as the main path to promote “Gourd Culture Spreading Project”.In recent years, the fruits of Mr. Hu in the study of gourd culture, artistic creation and cultural exchanges have been reported by various media at all levels at home and abroad, such as Guangming DailyChina Network TelevisionPeople's Daily OnlineJournal of American Gourd Society, and Journal of Japanese Scoop Admirer Association, thus arousing great interest worldwide. Statistics show that there are more than 500 reports on Mr. Hu in various media at home and abroad. Among them, more than 100 are from newspapers, more than 60 from magazines, more than 30 from TV media, and more than 300 from internet and new media, making “Hu Lu” a hot word in media reports.



In the new era of cultural revival, Mr. Hu remains true to his original aspiration and keeps his mission firmly in mind: To promote the popularization, modernization and globalization of the gourd culture with all lovers of gourd culture domestic and abroad; to expand the international influence of the gourd culture and build a world-famous brand of gourd culture; to push ahead the development of the public welfare undertaking “Glamour of the Gourd – Gourd Culture along the Silk Road” and make gourd culture a lifelong pursuit.

